Activity Log Tutorial

Where are you with any given task? How have your tasks progressed over time? When were they started and when were they finished? And what if you could have an automatically generated log of all activities for each task? You can, and in this tutorial you'll learn how to accomplish this through 4in10.

Achieving profitability is easier said than done


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus consectetur amet blanditiis commodi atque voluptas repellendus alias. Autem, commodi exercitationem.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus consectetur amet blanditiis commodi atque voluptas repellendus alias. Autem, commodi exercitationem.

Providing affordable profitability is why we exist.

We Understand the Challenge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam repellendus, ut voluptatem similique laborum, porro beatae cum accusantium quisquam animi est aut tempora.

We're Addressing the Challenge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam repellendus, ut voluptatem similique laborum, porro beatae cum accusantium quisquam animi est aut tempora.

How to Benefit from 4in10


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.

Get Started!

There’s no better time than now, to begin the 4in10 process of increasing your
profitability. Click the button “Subscribe Now” button to get started!

Related Tutorials


A SMART goal, integral to the functionality of 4in10, represents a strategic approach to setting objectives, ensuring they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This methodology transforms vague ambitions into actionable plans with clear milestones and deadlines. In 4in10, this concept is operationalized to help subscribers articulate their goals with precision, establish quantifiable targets, and set realistic time frames. This not only streamlines the goal-setting process but also enhances the likelihood of successful achievement by providing a clear, structured path to follow.

4in10 is designed to be a companion in the journey of goal setting and achievement, particularly with SMART goals. It guides subscribers through each aspect of the SMART framework, prompting them to define specifics, quantify their goals, set attainable objectives, ensure relevance to their broader mission, and establish a timeline for achievement. This systematic approach ensures that goals are not just wishes but well-thought-out plans with a high probability of success. Moreover, 4in10's interface makes this process intuitive, encouraging users to think critically about each aspect of their goal, thereby increasing engagement and commitment to their objectives.

4in10 is a versatile tool capable of managing a wide array of goals, ranging from individual tasks to large-scale organizational objectives. This includes marketing, sales, operational, and company-wide goals. Each category is distinct and requires a tailored approach, which 4in10 accommodates by providing specialized templates and tracking mechanisms. For instance, marketing goals might focus on brand reach or campaign efficacy, while sales goals may center around revenue targets or customer acquisition. Operational goals could relate to efficiency improvements, and company-wide objectives might encompass overarching strategic aims. 4in10's flexibility allows subscribers to customize their goal-setting process according to the specific nature and requirements of their goals.

A well-defined SMART marketing goal, as facilitated by 4in10, could be: "Increase website traffic by 30% within the next six months through a targeted social media campaign and SEO optimization." This goal exemplifies the SMART criteria by being specific (targeting website traffic), measurable (quantified as a 30% increase), achievable (using practical tools like social media and SEO), relevant (as increased traffic can lead to higher sales or brand awareness), and time-bound (set for completion within six months). 4in10 aids in breaking down this goal into actionable steps and monitoring progress, providing a clear trajectory from inception to achievement.

An illustrative SMART sales goal in the context of 4in10 might be, "Achieve a 20% increase in sales revenue in the next quarter by expanding the customer base through targeted outreach and improving client retention rates." This goal is specific in its focus on sales revenue and customer base expansion, measurable through the 20% revenue increase target, achievable with well-defined strategies like targeted outreach, relevant to the overarching aim of business growth, and time-bound within the scope of the upcoming quarter. 4in10 facilitates such goal setting by allowing subscribers to detail each aspect of the goal, track their progress systematically, and adjust strategies as needed to stay on course.

When setting operational goals using 4in10, subscribers can establish objectives like, "Reduce operational costs by 15% over the next year by optimizing supply chain processes and enhancing workforce training." This goal exemplifies the SMART framework by being specific (focusing on operational costs), measurable (targeting a 15% reduction), achievable (through process optimization and training), relevant (to improve overall operational efficiency), and time-bound (set for a year). 4in10's role in this process is to provide a structured platform for outlining these goals, breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks, and tracking their progress over time, ensuring that operational improvements are not just targeted but also systematically pursued.

One of the key features of 4in10 is its ability to track the percentage completion of goals. This feature is crucial for subscribers to have a clear, real-time view of their progress. Whether it's a short-term task or a long-term strategic objective, 4in10 visualizes progress in an intuitive and accessible manner. This not only keeps subscribers motivated by showing them how far they've come but also helps in identifying areas that need more attention, making it easier to adjust plans and strategies as necessary. The software updates these metrics automatically as tasks are completed, ensuring subscribers always have the most current view of their goal achievement journey.

In 4in10, assigning a goal owner is a straightforward process, which adds a layer of accountability and clarity to the goal management process. This feature is particularly useful in team settings where it's important to know who is responsible for what. By assigning a goal owner, subscribers can ensure that there's a clear point of contact for each objective, making it easier to track progress, address challenges, and celebrate successes. This is especially beneficial in complex projects where multiple people or teams may be involved, as it helps in maintaining order and focus amidst the many moving parts.

4in10's filtering functionality allows subscribers to easily organize and access their goals based on various criteria such as goal type or owner. This is particularly useful in scenarios where a subscriber is managing multiple goals across different categories or teams. For instance, a manager can filter to see only sales-related goals or goals assigned to a particular team member. This not only helps in keeping the interface uncluttered but also ensures that subscribers can focus on the goals most relevant to them at any given time, enhancing productivity and focus.

The dynamic nature of goal setting and achievement is well understood by 4in10, which is why the software allows for the modification of goals after they have been set. Subscribers might find the need to adjust their goals in response to changing circumstances, new information, or unexpected challenges. 4in10 accommodates this reality by making it easy to update goals, whether it's a minor tweak in the timeline or a major shift in the goal's scope. This flexibility is crucial in ensuring that the goals remain relevant and achievable, adapting as needed to the evolving landscape in which the subscribers operate.

4in10 recognizes that not all goals remain relevant indefinitely, which is why it offers options to either delete or archive goals. Deletion is useful for goals that are no longer applicable, ensuring that the goal list remains current and focused. Archiving, on the other hand, serves a different purpose. It allows subscribers to preserve the history of their goals, which can be invaluable for future reference or analysis. Archived goals provide a record of past objectives, strategies employed, and outcomes achieved, offering insights that can inform future goal-setting endeavors.

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